Monday, February 23, 2009

March Dinner Meeting

Monday March 2nds dinner meeting at Elmira Golf Club will feature guest speaker Lynn McLaughlin of local event “Robin in the Hood”, who will be having 3 of the volunteers giving a demonstration of some aspects of mid evil culture. As well we will be having as a guest Optimist Lt Governor Jim Dandyand his wife Catherine. Opti. Lt. Gov. Jim will be inducting the new executive: Optimist President Wilf, Optimist vice President Jim Gunkle and Optimist Vice President Steve Bisbee.

I’ll let you know what the menu will be later next week

Upcomming Dates

March 2 Meeting @ Elmira Golf Club
March 16 Meeting @ Optimist Karls
March ?? March Break Swim and Bowl

April 4 Zone Spelling Bee
April 4 Maple Syrup Fest
April 6 Meeting @ Elmira Golf Club
April 11 Easter Egg Hunt
April 20 Business Meeting
April 25 Road Hockey Tourney

May 4 Meeting (Ladies Nite) @ Elmira Golf Cub
May 18 Business Meeting
May ?? Fireworks Fund Raiser

June 1 Dinner Meeting
June 15 Business Meeting

July 6 Dinner Meeting
July 20 Business Meeting
July ?? Fireworks Fund Raiser

Sunday, February 22, 2009

February Business Meeting Minutes

The Meeting Minutes from the February Business Meeting have been posted.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Meeting Minutes Blog Created

We now have 2 separate blogs.
One for our activities and a separate one for all our meeting minutes.

You can see our past meeting minutes on our new blog.